Logo mats rank in top 10 marketing tools for a small business
For any business to be launched successfully marketing plays the most crucial role. And to effectively market the business , the right marketing tools must be in place. The right marketing tools for your particular business may include a well designed logo, business card , website, a logo mat, flyers and brochures.
A set of well designed marketing materials is what you need to set the market ablaze with your new product. The right set of marketing tools will not only market your business well but will also boost credibility.
But what exactly is are those right tools to market your business. In this article we will look at five key marketing materials every business owner should have……. these may differ a bit depending on whether the business will have a physical store or it will be just an online store.
1. Business logo
The 3 Key Principles of Logo Design
Logo Design is Critical for Modern Day Brand Making.
Consumers today are so inundated with logos that no one would deny the critical role played by logo design in modern brand marketing. That is precisely because consumers are so awash in visual branding that the challenge of designing a truly unique and impactful logo becomes mission critical.
Consider all that a logo must accomplish: It must communicate the essence of a brand’s identity, do so in a way that is memorable, and also be instantly recognizable. That’s a big job!
So, how do designers meet this challenge? Only with a thorough understanding of the three key principles of logo design – simplicity, versatility, and meaning.
Let’s take a closer look…
A logo should never be too complicated in its design. It must be memorable and distinct to make a good impression, fast – and to achieve this, simplicity is key. While there are some notable exceptions, the most successful and enduring logos generally avoid complex, intricate imagery and use only a few colors.
Simple logo designs aren’t just more memorable; they offer practical advantages as well. Simple designs scale well, and they translate well to grayscale. Which leads to our second key principle…
Think of all the places a logo might need to be used – the website, on social media accounts, in print, on an embroidered shirt, even vehicles wraps – just to name a few! Then, consider the likelihood that there are many other uses you haven’t even thought of yet. This underscores the need for flexibility and versatility in logo design.
To expand upon a logo’s versatility, its two basic elements – the symbol and the word mark – can be used together or separately. Also, alternate versions of the logo can be created, so long as any variations don’t stray too far from the original design.
A logo is more than just a pretty picture. It serves as visual shorthand for a brand, and so it must communicate a deeper meaning. During the design process, care must be taken to ensure that the correct meaning is being conveyed to the brand’s target audience.
Designers use many tools to convey meaning, including elements such as shape, color, and typography. These elements often carry strong connotative meanings of their own, so they must be chosen with care. An ill-advised color scheme or typeface selection could give the wrong impression of a brand with disastrous results.
Once your logo is designed, it’s time to create the rest of your marketing materials, starting with your business cards. Business cards are an incredibly versatile marketing tool—you can use them to market your business in a variety of ways.When it comes to your business card, all you need is your logo, contact information, and the right business card dimensions. From there, you can design your business card and start using it to make connections and get the word out about your business.
You can use your business card to:
- Connect with clients and customers. The most traditional way to use business cards is also one of the most effective. When you meet a potential client or partner, give them a business card to share information about your business and how to get in touch with you.
- Build visibility in your community. Many small businesses rely on marketing in their local community—and business cards can be a great way to do that. For example, you might post your business card on bulletin boards in local coffee shops or introduce yourself (and your business) to other local business owners and ask to leave a stack of cards behind. The more business cards you get out into the community, the more visibility your business will have…and the more successful your marketing will be.
- Market on the fly. Opportunities to market your business can hit when you least expect—and keeping business cards on hand ensures you’re ready for anything. For example, you might meet an interested investor in line at the grocery store or a potential client while on vacation. If you’re prepared with a business card, you can take advantage of those chance encounters to market and grow your business on the fly.
2. Business cards
Once your logo is designed, it’s time to create the rest of your marketing materials, starting with your business cards. Business cards are an incredibly versatile marketing tool—you can use them to market your business in a variety of ways.When it comes to your business card, all you need is your logo, contact information, and the right business card dimensions. From there, you can design your business card and start using it to make connections and get the word out about your business.
You can use your business card to:
- Connect with clients and customers. The most traditional way to use business cards is also one of the most effective. When you meet a potential client or partner, give them a business card to share information about your business and how to get in touch with you.
- Build visibility in your community. Many small businesses rely on marketing in their local community—and business cards can be a great way to do that. For example, you might post your business card on bulletin boards in local coffee shops or introduce yourself (and your business) to other local business owners and ask to leave a stack of cards behind. The more business cards you get out into the community, the more visibility your business will have…and the more successful your marketing will be.
- Market on the fly. Opportunities to market your business can hit when you least expect—and keeping business cards on hand ensures you’re ready for anything. For example, you might meet an interested investor in line at the grocery store or a potential client while on vacation. If you’re prepared with a business card, you can take advantage of those chance encounters to market and grow your business on the fly.
3. Properly designed website
Most people turn to the internet when they want to find out more about a business. So, a well-designed website is an absolute must. Not only does a website lend your business credibility, but it’s a great way to share information about your products or services, build trust with clients and customers and show them why you’re the one they want to do business with.
While an effective website design will depend on your business, your customers and what you’re marketing, here are a few universal elements you should incorporate:
- Your branding. For your website to be an effective marketing tool, people need to be able to recognize that it’s a website for your business. Make sure to leverage your brand’s color palette and include your logo on each page.
- Contact information. Just like your business card, you’ll want to include your contact information (including your email, phone number and address) on your website.
- ‘About us’ section. Your website offers the best opportunity to tell potential customers who you are—and an “About us” section, which tells the story of your business, is a great way to do it.
- Product and service information. In addition to telling your customers who you are, your website should also tell customers what you do—which means including information about the products and/or services you offer. (Depending on your business model, this may include selling those products and services directly on your website.)
- Hours of operation. If you own a brick and mortar business, your customers need to know when you’re open. Include your hours of operation on your website in an easy-to-find spot.
- Social media handles. Include links to your social profiles (like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or YouTube) on your website so customers can easily connect with you.
Like your logo, your website is a marketing material that’s going to get a lot of exposure—so it’s important to nail the design. Unless you have a background in web design, you should plan to use professional website design services to make sure your final site gets you the results you’re looking for.
4.Flyers and brochures
Cheap flyer printing are often done on 80gsm bond paper and in a single colour. Smaller sizes like A6 leaflets will also help to bring the cost down and allow for more fliers to be printed using the same budget.It is also cheaper to print on one side of a flyer then on both sides, but not by much.
Typically a pamphlet would be printed on 100gsm to 128gsm gloss paper. This paper type is an economical option but still gives a bit more of a higher quality look and feel.
Customers tend to prefer a 170gsm to 200gsm paper for a more exclusive events or up market product. The thicker paper is a bit more firm when held, especially when a bigger size flyer is needed. A thicker paper also works better with a double sided print as the thicker paper blocks more of the artwork printed on the back.
Special papers can be used but will affect the cost per flyer. If the product advertised is expensive then a better quality paper and print should appeal to a higher income bracket customer and hopefully convert to more sales. A one of a kind diamond ring of R50 000 should be printed on a quality paper and possibly with some special finish to give the photos and the flyer a premium feel. A cheap flyer with back printing would not represent the ring in the same light and will discourage the customer from even coming to the store to view the real product.
5. Logo Mats and branded mats
Logo mats are the one of the best marketing tools especially for a start-up with a physical store or presence. Properly designed and professionally manufactured logo mats can be very effective in enhancing the classy look for a new business. They are hard to miss when one enters the premises.
The primary purpose of any floor is to trap the dirt from the soles of customers entering the store but the logo mat not only traps dirt but it is a very effective in marketing your brand to the world. They are a cost effective solution because they last long especially if they are properly manufacture and the right materials are used for the application. for affordable and properly manufactured mats contact floormat